Monday, May 11, 2009

Other weekend doin's

Saturday my AC guy came over to look at our unit which hasn't worked since the end of last fall. He checked the first fuse and it was out when he checked the second fuse and saw that it was out then he knew that spelled big trouble. There was a short in the system. He ran through the progressions and ended up where he thought the problem was. There was a short in the compressor that caused it to blow out. Time to completely replace the system, it's going to cost $2500 to replace it. That sucks but being without AC would be even worse.

Friday I finally got my hair cut. Roy is once again sans-ponytail. I only let a few people at work last week know that I was going to cut it. Most people were in shock. It was a good kind of shock but still it was shock. I got a lot of compliments on the new hair style. Most people asked if it was taking me awhile to get used to. Really it didn't take long to get used to, I haven't felt like a large weight was lifted off my shoulders. One of the weirdest things was that after I got home and was getting ready to go to the movie I reached back to pull my ponytail out of inside of my shirt (there was nothing there as it was cut off earlier). I felt like a goob after I did it and had to laugh at myself.

Work goes OK. I need to motivate myself to get some of the things done. Some things I am trying to get really ahead of but other things I have been dragging my feet on. I need to find a good balance but stay ahead of all things. Getting behind before sucked and I don't want to do that again any time soon.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Long time no post, Mother's Day

Well, I know that it has been a long time since I posted last. Things were really crazy there for awhile. They have calmed down a little bit but I am still a little on edge.

They pushed back the build that was supposed to go in on May 3 and put it with another build that won't go in now until June 28. That has taken some of the pressure off for now but it could come back as we get closer to the new date.

The last few days have laid some bombshells on the home front. First, the Catoosa Public School system sucks. If you have a child with any kind of problems then they will not help you. Chris failed his English class last semester so he needs to take summer class. Apparently he is completely flunking out of all but one of his classes this semester but we get no notification from the school, they sent home notes with him. What makes them think that if a child is in trouble that they would honestly hand their parents a note that is going to piss them off? We got 8 different phone calls letting us know when there was a bond issue they would like to have passed but nada when it came to telling us our child needed help.

We had already bought tickets to watch the new Star Trek movie. Karma told Chris he wasn't going to go when she called home. He replied that he couldn't be grounded and that we couldn't touch him. We left him at home and took one of Tempus's friends instead. I locked down the internet and the TV in the living room and we went to the movie. Star Trek was pretty good, there was a lot of action to it. Karma loved it.

We came home and saw that Chris had done some cleaning in the kitchen (cleared off the table, scrubbed down the stove, did a load or 2 of laundry). He is trying to suck up, I told Karma this. She said that we should let him.

Today was Mother's Day. We took Karma to Casa Bonita for lunch and the Philbrook Museum after that. Chris was being personable and even joking around. After we got home and Karma called her mother and was talking with her. When Chris found out that he was still not going to be able to go to the Renaissance Fair he started yelling at Karma. Telling her that he was going and when Karma said that he wasn't then he said that we wouldn't be going. I think this is why some animals eat their young.

Chris had said something about how he was going to get a job and was still planning on going to art school in Japan. Karma told him that first off he had to have our permission to get one and 2, that no employer would hire him with the grades that he has as it would show that he can't seem to follow directions well enough to pass his classes. She also told him that the art school wouldn't accept him with the grades that he has. He said that he knows what the requirements are and that he already knows what we are saying and that he doesn't care. At that point I lost it and told him "Then great, good f*cking luck in the future." Chris said, "Thanks" and then left for his room. He is being a complete and total butthead.

I love him to death but I am about at the end of my rope with him. I just don't know what to do. Times like this makes me want to countdown the days until he turns 18 and graduates so he can see exactly what this course of action has in store for him. I only want the best for him but he has to want it and work for it himself.